Tai didžiausia Lietuvoje nemokamų pratybų atsakymų svetainė. Moksleivis užsukęs čia, negali aklai nusirašyti, atvykęs čia jis turi tiesiog pasitikrinti jau atliktus namų darbus!
The principal early building material of civilization was brick, most often unfired. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, brick is an artificial stone made by forming clay into rectangular blocks which are hardened, either by burning in a kiln or sometimes, in warm countries, by sun-drying.
History. The history of bricks dates back 7,500 B.C, when the oldest shaped bricks were
Name Surname
123 Market st.
United Kingdom
Brian Jones
General Manager
International Computers
15 Main st.
United Kingdom
23 April, 2007
Dear Mr Jones,
Supply of computers
I am pleased to inform you that your bid for the supply of computer hardware has been successful and we will be submitting our firm
In memory of
The World Trade Center
New York
Built 1970 – 1977
Minoru Yamaski & Associates, Architect, with Emery Roth and Sons
Designed for strength, demolished by terrorist attack
on September 11, 2001
„The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man’s dedication to world peace.“
–Minoru Yamasaki, chief archite
Camping is a great outdoor activity. Outdoors is fresh air, which is vital for human’s health. Firstly, most people have outdoor activity on their holidays. If the weather is good, you can spend time camping near the lake or sea, go fishing or swimming, riding on a bike or running in the forest. In the other hand there are a lot of activities which you can do outdoors. What is more, best
Can we lose our national identity when being a part of EU?
I’ll try to prove this fact with very ordinary and clear arguments.
1.Lithuanian money Litas. As an example-EU member-Greece. It had money national money Brahmos that was very old and was their historical heritage. But today brahma is changed into the euro –the EU currency. Litas with a long history and way till
This week on our Now and Then page, we are looking at Canary Wharf
in London. This area is now completely different to what is was like twenty
years ago.
Canary Wharf was a dirty area, twenty years ago. There weren’t many shops or people. People didn’t have much money or nice houses or beautiful
cars. They could only get around by bus or on foot. There were
Capital punishment is one of the most negotiable things in today’s society. People are headed in two opinions – pros and cons. I think it will remain like that for ages.
I don’t have a strong opinion about capital punishment. On the one hand, it’s not fair to kill people, because the government didn’t give a life to him, moreover, to act and kill like convi
A lot of dangerous criminals are allowed to escape and roam free. There are more and more burglars, kidnappers, murderers and killers who commit crimes and succeed in escaping penalties by the good lawyers. Somebody says that police do nothing. But I think its not true, police do what is possible. Just not everything is in their hands.
In my opinion, we should bring back the death penalt
Capital punishment: is it necessary?
The death penalty! Some people think of it as a form of justice. Others think of it as a disgrace to humanity. I strongly believe that there should not be a death penalty.
The death penalty deters murder and prevents murderers from killing again by putting the fear of death in to would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he
Today I’m going to talk about: carcinogen
Carcinogen, any chemical, biological, or physical agent that can
potentially be a cause of cancer. The term is most commonly applied to
chemicals introduced into the environment by human activity. Researchers
label a substance a carcinogen if it causes a statistically significant
increase in some form of neoplasm, or
SAMPLE ESSAY 1: Carnegie-Mellon, current affairs: Middle East debate
A Greek philosopher once said, “In argument, truth is born.” Even though sometimes feelings and emotions come into play that confuse the issue at hand, usually an argument results in a new insight on the subject. Even if a person holds strong views that are unshaken by anything his adversary may say, he may
table of contents:
1. Vilnius Castle Complex
2. Royal Palace and Cathedral
3 . The castle of Kaunas
4. The castles of Trakai
5. The castle of Medininkai
6. Conclusions
7. Summary
8. List of resources
Vilnius Castle Complex
I would like to start my individual project with describing of Vilnius Castle Complex. I have been living not far
1. Late technologies – the most important thing.
2. Internet
3. Networks
4. Governmental institutions
5. Bank-financial systems
7. EC
Now we live in the age of information. Latest technologies develop every day and even every minute. It is very important for us. Now we can find the needed person in a very short time using e-mail, mobile t
Changes of the Tiny Snack Bar
The aim of this article is to resolve a question of improving our college’s snack bar, which will be changed to a modern self-service cafeteria. I have some ideas that might be useful.
When we talk of cafeteria we firstly think of the food, which will be included on the menu. I think it would be a great idea to supply a more voluminous variety of
Charles Robert Darwin was born in the village of Shrewsbury (England) on February 12, 1809, and he died on April 19, 1882. Shrewsbury, 160 miles northwest of London and close to the border of Wales, is approximately 4,000 miles from the United States of America and on that same day, the 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was born in Kentucky.
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