Tai didžiausia Lietuvoje nemokamų pratybų atsakymų svetainė. Moksleivis užsukęs čia, negali aklai nusirašyti, atvykęs čia jis turi tiesiog pasitikrinti jau atliktus namų darbus!
Laundry and Dry Cleaning |
Laundry is very convenient for those who are always in a hurry and don’t have enough time (or conditions) to do it at home. People can carry their dirty clothes to laundry or launderettes which are usually coin-op, the ones when you can put money and wait while the machine does everything for you. And meanwhile you just can read a magazine or do whatever is important to you. Laundry can be done to the biggest part of materials aand textiles. However, each has its own needs and has to be cleaned with some kind of rules. So it’s really important to know how to clean clothes and not make them worse. In the laundry each item passes through at least six stages before final inspection.A comprehensive service for all fine table linen, formal starched evening wear, commercial, personal and household laundry. All articles are folded and packed by hand. Careful grading ensures that delicate items and those with llace and gathered edge trims are hand finished. There are lots of laundries and launderettes and of course there is a big rivalry among them all. So as a rule every company tries to attract visitors and offers low prices aand good service. Furthermore, good service needs good equipment. The most important are topload washers, double load washers, ironing, and pressing machines; laundry chemicals as well as extra-large capacity washers. Laundries and launderettes are comfortable too because if you have any other thing to do at the same time, you can take clothes to the laundry, get a token and return only when everything’s done. But if you have enough time you can have a good time in some laundries which supply even some kind of entertainment such as snacks, juices and sodas are available for sale at customer service counter. There are alsoseveral televisions and games in the laundromat to keep you entertainedwhile you wait. And even tanning beds! Coin-operated (coin-op) llaundry facilities are located in each residence hall building. The cost for washers is 75c and dryers cost 50c per spin. There are also a student-owned laundries and dry cleaning service available to students called Wash U Wash. Dry cleaning is convenient for those in trouble, when some garment or an expensive evening deress got spoilt and there is no need to throw it away without trying to clean in in a dry way. The dry cleaning was originated beacause the ttextile industry started making very fancy contexture and not all textures can contact with water. So dry cleaning was the solution. Dry Cleaning helps return garments to „like-new“ condition. It also requires a lot of equipment: cleaning machines, presses, steam boilers, air compressors, shirt laundry presses, wet cleaning machines, dry-vac vacuum units, conveyor systems, slick rail, carts, spotting stations, drying, ironing, and pressing machines; laundry chemicals; dry-cleaning fluids; marking equipment. There is also such ting as taking your laundry from your home. For example company Americleaners is a innovative online dry cleaning service. They provide a convenient and easy-to-use service for individuals to have their personal drycleaning items picked up, professionally cleaned and delivered to and from their place of residence. The process is simple you just have to : *Sign up *Fill out an online order form *Place all items to be cleaned & a copy of your receipt in a bag *Your clothing items will be picked up, professionally cleaned and delivered to you on scheduled day. Twice weekly, at specific times, everything is picked up and/or delivery dry cleaning, shirts and shoes for repair at office buildings and homes. All dry cleaning is performed by a local dry cleaning plant, similar tto plants that perform dry cleaning for many large hotels or small drop-store dry cleaners. Why dry cleaning is important? Here are advatages and disadvantages of what you can do at home, on your own. Advantages: * Home dry cleaning kits offer substantial cost savings over traditional dry cleaning, and can be used in the comfort of your home. * The chemicals used in home dry cleaning kits, while not harmless, are not as bad for the environment as perchlorethylene, which is used by most dry cleaning establishments. * Simple to use. * Home dry cleaning kits do an excellent job removing odors. Disadvantages: * The home dry cleaning kits do not offer a viable substitution for professional pressing, which can only be done at the dry cleaners. (an exception to this is suit pants – the Corby trouser press, which effectively presses suit pants and is used by prestigious hotels for that purpose). * The kits can remove only some. However, neither kit is aseffective as traditional dry cleaning for removing more serious stains. To the convenience of customers now there are also provided diffrent methods of payment: cash, cheque, card, voucher, credit. Prices are very various as it depends oon the thing you want to clean. For example you can pay 3 pound for a blouse to 20 and more for a vancy evening dress. On the whole, with a history spanning nearly 120 years Laundry and Cleaning News can justifiably claim to be the journal of record and reference. Internationally it is the unique, effective and affordable medium to reach every sector of the textile care industry. So before saying NO to your favourite spoilt dress give it another chance to grace you. |
· Parašė Admin · 1970.01.01 05:00 Anglų kalba · 393 Peržiūros · |