The book “Troubled heritage” is a fascinating, thrilling romance, written by the talented author Jeanne Wilson. The book tells the story of love, adventure, and wild passions amongst the members of three Jamaican families.
The plot of “Troubled heritage” focuses on the social problems, such as caste, privileges for white- and dark-skinned people, decisions on lightening the colour by marriages to white girls, and the question: can the two- or three- quarters legitimate heirs inherit devise?
The bbook is rather long but gripping, exciting and easy-to-read. Jeanne Wilson is a brilliant writer who imaginatively blows the whistle on the plot and problems connected with the coloured skin.
“Troubled heritage” is well worth reading due to interesting and unusual characters, who take part in the book, inimitable plot, and the way author revels the story. So, I recommend reading it, because it is one of the best books I have ever read.