Aries (March 21-April 19)
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto
Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws
Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard
Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby
Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering,
adventurous, freedom-loving, independent.
Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics.
Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark
of this sign. Aries people often take a bit of a bad rap as being selfish
and vain, but the truth is they are more often self-seeking than self-
absorbed. OOther signs have bought into the „self-sacrifice“ mantra of the
Puritans (and to some degree New-Age movement), but Aries can see that in
order to achieve enlightenment the first step is to know thyself. The
second step is to love thyself. Aries knows you can’t help others if you
are miserable yourself, so they have less trouble staying on their personal
path than many of the other signs.
The Ram is definitely a leader in the „lead, follow or get out of the way“
template. They don’t mmind if someone else is apparently in charge, provided
they are the power behind the throne. They tend to be a bit blunt in speech
and manner and it is the rare Aries that is truly shy.
In a sign noted for independence iit is often difficult to tie an Aries
down. If you have trouble getting your Aries partner to settle down, keep a
copy of „If you love someone, set them free“ handy, because chances are you
are always going to have to give them some space of their own. This sign
does not like to be stifled.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Element: Earth
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Venus
Part of Body: Neck, throat, tonsils, thyroid gland
Herbs: Licorice, Fenugreek, Slippery Elm
Stones: Emerald
Keywords: Possessions, practicality, values, stability, persistent,
Business Types: Banking, accounting, real estate, architecture, fine art.
You won’t get much argument out of a Taurus if you call them stubborn,
inflexible and unchanging. Most of them see their inherent stability and
practicality as a virtue. Taurus loves good food, a good laugh, and the
finer tthings in life, anything that feels good in a „touchy-feely“ way. You
can leave a Taurean for years, but count on them to be the „same old Joe“
years later. They do kind of get stuck in their ways – but they are usually
very comfortable with themselves. They don’t feel the need to brag, to blow
their own horns, in fact, if you want to confide a secret and be sure it
will be kept, make friends with a Taurus. You can count on tthis sign to
back you up once they have decided to make you part of their „collection of
oddities“. And they do like to collect – both people and tchotchkes.
Astrologers don’t talk much about „imagination“ and Taurus, but in my
experience, Taurus people are greatly imaginative, perhaps because of the
strong influence from Venus. George Lucas is a Taurus, and there is no
arguing he’s one of the great creative visionaries of our time. Taurus Sun
Saddam Hussien could also be called visionary in his own cruel and twisted
way. Their path to success is not usually the rocket-fast path, they pick a
slow, steady pace, and once they have decided they want something, they
almost always get their way. Taurus can be incredibly stubborn.
Perhaps under-rated as lovers because of their dowdy reputation (and lack
of interest in bragging), the true Taurus type is in fact one of the more
romantic and passionate, if at times unimaginative lovers. They are
faithful and reliable to a fault, because they hate change. Once they get
stuck in a comfortable rut it can take the heaven and earth shaking before
they’ll move on.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Part of Body: lungs, bronchial system, nervous system, arms, hands
Herbs: Yarrow, tansy, vervain
Stones: Beryl, garnet, topaz, aquamarine, marble
Keywords: Communication, tthought, ideas, logical, spontaneous, sharp,
Business Types: Broadcasting, journalism, travel, tourism, communications,
Gemini is the sign of „communication“ – you’ll often find a
disproportionate number of Gemini Suns in the telecommunication,
publishing, public relations, radio and news fields. They make wonderful
writers and commentators.
These folks love to talk. Clever, self-effacing humor is a hallmark of
Gemini funnyman Tim Allen. The jokes and laughter fly at a mile a minute,
the influence of Mercury being strong in this sign.
Gemini does take a bad rap for being shallow and vain, but the truth is
that they are sensitive and easily hurt, so they protect themselves by
keeping intimacy at arms length. If you take the time to get past the text
to the data stream, you’ll find they are really quite deep – they are
thinking all the time, after all.
Gemini has been accused of being a fickle lover too, but you’ll find no
more interesting or engaging partner. Why would you want to tie them down?
It would only stifle them, and make you both unhappy in the long run. If
you are determined to marry a Gemini, make sure they have enough personal
space so they can still feel they have some freedom. Angelina Jolie and
Elizabeth Hurley are examples of the kind of spontaneous passion this ssign
is known for. Once they truly fall in love, though, they are capable of
remarkably long-lived fidelity. Look at Paul McCartney. There are always
exceptions to the rule, especially when there is also a lot of Water in the
chart. The problem with Gemini is the impulsiveness the sign brings to
nearly every area of life.
Another area I have personally observed a Gemini weakness is their love for
shopping. Consumerism and the credit card are Gemini inventions in my not
so humble opinion. Gemini women are those women who have a closet full of
clothes they „had“ to have but have never worn.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Moon
Part of Body:
Herbs: Lily
Stones: Crystal, moonstone
Keywords: Mother, home, sensitivity, nurturance, protectiveness.
Business Types: Staples, domestic goods, hospitality, real estate.
Cancer is the sign of „Home, Moon and Mother“, and as such it can be
incredibly sensitive, compassionate and nurturing. Male Cancer natives tend
to overcompensate because of the sexism innate in modern culture. They will
often claim to be rational and unfeeling, but close family will tell you
they are highly sensitive and often psychic. Manic comedian Robin Williams
is a good example of Cancer at work – this is a man who is fiercely
dedicated to his family, and his craft, a man whose human
compassion has
been shown in the many roles he has chosen and in his dedication to friends
like Christopher Reeves.
Inversely, Cancer females tend to be a lot tougher than they appear at
first. If you doubt, just get between a Cancer female and her children or
loved ones. You’ll feel the sharp edges of her pincers in a hurry!
One other celebrity personifies one of the interesting aspects of Cancer –
Imelda Marcos, known for her collection of shoes, is really acting out the
Cancer need to hhoard and store. It can get extreme, even obsessive. I know
a Cancer woman who has a huge collection of what others might call „junk“.
It’s her security blanket, to keep unwanted people from her home. She knows
she will never use 90% of the material she’s hoarded, but the thought of
parting with it brings great anxiety.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Sun
Part of Body: heart, upper back, spinal column
Keywords: Power, authority, generosity, expansiveness, leadership.
Business Types: The „CEO“, leader, president, ttheatre, sports.
Leo likes the spotlight. Just imagine the proud, roaring lion, soaking
himself in the sun, while his harem of lionesses go out to hunt, and you
have the perfect picture for most Leo’s you’ll meet. Oh, they are not lazy,
far from iit! But they will be happy to leave the less glamorous work for
their „entourage“ to mop up, while they take the glory and the spotlight,
and in most cases, we’ll love them despite it all. Why? They really do
brighten up the room.
Leo is among the most creative of signs. Lots of entertainers, producers
and showpeople have this sign strong in their charts.
Hot, passionate and sexy, Leo is not the most faithful of signs
necessarily, though strong Water or a strong Saturn in the chart can
moderate this somewhat. The truth is they like to be the centre of
attention in all things including love. Just look at Leos Bill Clinton and
Mick Jagger.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Part of Body: pancreas, small intestine, spleen, lliver
Herbs: Blackberry, Dill Seed, Fennel
Stones: Sardonyx
Keywords: Critical, discerning, methodical, modest, service-oriented,
cultured, discerning.
Business Types: Bio-tech, medicine, pharmaceuticals, farming, accounting,
any work that serves others and involves exacting detail.
Virgo is often described as critical, methodical, and even „nitpicky“.
Virgo does suffer from some „bad press“ over the past 100 years or so, some
of it thinly-veiled sexism directed at the symbolism of the sign, as has
been charged by more recent feminist writers, however, there is some truth
in the description. I have never been treated to aas sharp and detailed a
critique as I have when trying to make the case in a chat room full of
Virgos that Virgos suffer from this trait.
Virgo people are some of the most selfless, dedicated, and hard workers in
the Zodiac. Highly intelligent, they are great at storing and organizing
information. Virgo is often associated with healthcare, healing and service
work for this reason. They make fantastic doctors, nurses and alternative
healthcare practitioners, and are often found healing in other ways. They
are also excellent managers, secretaries and organizers.
As lovers Virgo has a totally undeserved reputation as reserved and cold.
In fact, they are passionate, devoted, and occasionally kinky lovers. They
have a wonderful sense of creativity, and have just enough independence to
keep things interesting. The reputation of course comes from Victorian
astrologers and their simple-minded association of „Virgo“ with „virgin“
goddesses. In fact, the original meaning of „virgin“ did not mean „sexually
chaste“ but „a free woman in charge of her own destiny“. This is much
closer to the true behavior of modern Virgos.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Venus
Part of Body: lower back, kidneys, bladder
Herbs: primrose, violet and yarrow
Stones: Blue Lace Agate, Chrysoprase, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise
Keywords: Harmony, beauty, balance, diplomacy, idealism, justice
Business Types: The judge, police, fashion, art, luxuries, pprecious metals,
artists, diplomats
Despite this sign’s association with „relationships, harmony and
diplomacy“, Libras don’t always find that it is a simple matter to meet the
perfect mate. In fact finding a mate does seem to be a struggle for most
Libras. Perhaps it is their fixation on pleasing others, or the constant
need to see the other person’s point of view that stymies them.
Libra does have a reputation for being indecisive, but the truth is that
they are chronic fence-sitters because they have a strong pull to discover
all the facts, analyze every position, before they jump into an issue. Once
they have done so, they can be incredibly stubborn.
Another strong Libra trait is their desire for and association with
justice. Libras make good diplomats, lawyers and judges because they are
able to see all sides of a given story, and are devoted to the truth and
fairness above all else.
Libras are also one of the more creative signs and tend to be good
communicators. Their desire for beauty and physical harmony makes them
excellent artists and decorators. Brandi Jasmine, the Libra horoscope
writer at is also an experienced editor, writer, and artist.
Libra lovers tend to be devoted and committed, this being the sign of
„committed partners“ after all. Though that can change if tthere is a lot of
Water in the chart.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Part of Body: reproductive system, sex organs, large intestine
Herbs: Dong Quai, Black Cohosh
Stones: Opal
Keywords: Sex, secrecy, investigation, rebirth, intensity, determination,
integrity, imagination.
Business Types: Law enforcement, religion, military, mental health.
Ah, Scorpio the sign of sex! Of course like any key concept in astrology,
the natives of this sign are saddled with prevailing social preconceptions.
Leonardo DiCaprio, a Scorpio Sun, has mastered the ability to project sex
appeal, depth and mystery.
But like all signs, there is a lot more hidden under the surface, if you
are prepared to spend the time. Scorpio does like to hide its inner depths,
and Scorpios are among some of the most profound psychics and healers in
the zodiac.
Determination, strength and emotional fortitude help the bearer of this
sign in every effort. Their personal power, sensuality and magnetic appeal
make them wonderful lovers, but that intensity can be overpowering to the
freedom-loving signs. They can lose themselves in the magic of the moment,
getting emotionally and psychically lost in the power of bonding.
That psychic sensitivity can be as much a curse as a blessing to Scorpio.
Their natural bluntness makes it difficult for them to share their insights
with others in a way the recipient finds
easy to accept. They tend to see
deep into any situation, have profound intuitive powers and make terrific
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Element: Fire
Modality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Part of Body: Thighs, sciatic nerve
Herbs: Dandelion, Horsetail, Onion, Garlic
Stones: Topaz
Keywords: Freedom, travel, knowledge, learning, optimism, broad-mindedness.
Business Types: The Internet, computers, science, technology, public
service, social work, some publishing
Sagittarians often complain to astrologers that they are misunderstood.
Perhaps it is that their minds, if not their bodies, are so busy floating
around the world (or the universe), that they fail tto make contact with
people in a meaningful way. Energetic and interesting, they seem to come
from „another place“. Brad Pitt is one example of a Sagittarian, whose
constant changes of style, mood and direction confuse his family, friends
and fans alike.
Sagittarius is the world traveler, often in both thought and deed. They do
love to travel, and when that is not possible, they spend a great time on
the Internet, or with their noses in books learning about other cultures
and peoples. They are often found iin the publishing industry as a result.
The sign’s association with higher education also pulls a great number of
Sagittarians into college and universities, both as students and as
teachers. They are always pushing the boundaries, searching for new ways to
explore their inner mminds. For this reason they are also drawn to new
technologies, the Internet and computers.
Good natured, energetic, optimistic and loving, they tend to make
interesting and exciting partners. They are also freedom-loving though, and
don’t like to be tied down. The Sagittarian lover is a challenge for anyone
who is conservative or old-fashioned.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Part of Body:
Herbs: Hemlock, nightshade, black poppy
Stones: Onyx, jet, coal
Keywords: Ambition, conservation, power, social status, discipline,
Business Types: Global trade, civil service, music, building, science.
Leaders, CEOs, managers.
Capricorn is one of the „power-house“ signs. Dedicated, passionate,
ambitious and practical, many of the world’s corporate captains of industry
have strong Capricorn somewhere in their charts.
Capricorns are known for a strong „workaholic“ tendencies, excellent
leadership skills and comfort in the public arena. TThis is not because they
are all that interested in money necessarily, but because they seek the
respect and power that comes from social status. They will often sacrifice
much to maintain or improve their position in the social hierarchy.
Without other planetary support in a chart, Capricorn lacks the simplicity
and groundedness of Taurus, and the analytical though-processes of Virgo.
With supporting planets in air or fire signs though, Capricorn is a
creative force that cannot be denied. It seeks for „the top“ in everything
it touches. DDavid Bowie is one example of this dichotomy inherent in the
sign, Elvis Presley was another.
Despite the practical, earthy, heavy nature of the sign, however,
Capricorns do have their share of quirks. Capricorns are known for having
some strange creative and sexual eccentricities that they like to keep
secret. Additional Water and Air in the right place in their charts makes
them devoted, passionate and creative lovers.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Element: Air
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Part of Body: Circulatory system, ankles, spinal cord
Herbs: Frankincense, Myrrh
Stones: Blue Sapphire, black pearl, obsidian, slate
Keywords: Unique, humanitarian, independent, idealistic, inventive
Business Types: The Internet, computers, science, technology, public
service, social work, some publishing
Aquarius is one of the more eccentric, flexible, unusual, and avant-garde
signs. Aquarians tend to be intelligent, philosophical, communicative and
open-minded. They tend to be drawn to group efforts, philanthropy, and
charitable efforts. They may be perceived as odd, unusual or eccentric by
others. Occasionally they are perceived as „aloof“ as well. I say
„perceived“ because Aquarians are never quite what they appear to be. They
may express their emotions in intellectual terms, but are self-sacrificing
humanitarians, often philanthropists, constantly searching for the ideal
and for truth and vision. It is important for Aquarians to develop self-
love, and the personal application of spiritual practices to their daily
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Element: Water
Modality: MMutable
Ruling Planet: Neptune, Jupiter
Part of Body: Lymph system, feet immune factors
Herbs: Clematis, Goldenseal, Echinacea
Stones: Aquamarine, Hematite
Keywords: Secrecy, investigation, rebirth, impressionable, sensitive,
psychic, adaptable.
Business Types: Health care, public service, sea-fairing businesses, water-
related businesses, film making.
Famous for psychic ability and emotional sensitivity, Pisces natives tend
to be, like their polar opposite (Virgo), excessively focused on the
„other“. They are the unselfish peacemakers and soothers who make life
easier for others. Unfortunately, this means they often neglect their own
needs. Pisces can literally work themselves to ill health in serving the
constant demand to be helpful to others. Neptune and Jupiter are both said
to „rule“ Pisces, an indication of the dreamy imagination that is often a
feature of the talents of high-profile Pisces like Drew Barrymore.
One potential roadblock for Pisces is its association with drugs, alcohol,
and mood-altering experiences. Under stress, Pisces does tend to look to
the medicine cabinet for answers. Expressed in higher terms, this can
result in a fixation with metaphysics, the occult, and meditative
Pisces make wonderful diplomats, counselors, healers and psychologists, and
are terrifically emotive actors, artists and musicians. They use their
gentle sensitivity to make an empathic connection with the audience. Their
deep imaginations permit them to plump much greater depths. Dreams and
visions are like second nature to them.
Pisces make wonderful friends, aalways giving more than they take, and are
passionate, deep and committed lovers. It helps if they can hook up with
partners who stimulate their creative mystical qualities and can allow them
some solitary time to dream and create and reconnect with their
otherworldly source of inspiration on a regular basis.