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Tai didžiausia Lietuvoje nemokamų pratybų atsakymų svetainė. Moksleivis užsukęs čia, negali aklai nusirašyti, atvykęs čia jis turi tiesiog pasitikrinti jau atliktus namų darbus!

Pratybu atsakymai

Rūšiavimas pagal dalykus

Straipsnių hierarchija

Straipsniai: Anglų kalba



Once wealth, as any other power, gets into the wrong hands, it loses it value and becomes a terrible destructive power demoralizing a society.

A rich state is not the one that acquired abundant wealth but one that able to put it into use and live affluently. There are many countries possessing a great wealth but poor. The most important standard of a wealthy country i

Report: Advertising

A historical look at advertising

Advertising is not an innovation of the twentieth century. In the ancient ruins of Pompeii you can see messages advertising gladiatorial events. Town criers in ancient Greece acted in the same manner as car radios as they announced important news and public events.

Until the 1870s most advertising by manufacturers was directed to wholesalers and ret

Reported Speach

Reported Speech

(Netiesioginė kalba)

Keičiant tiesioginę kalbą į netiesioginę laikomasi šių taisyklių:

1. Tiesioginės kalbos žodžiai virsta netiesioginės kalbos šalutiniu sakiniu:

a) Tiesioginis sakinys prijungiamas prie pagrindinio sakinio jungtuku that arba visai be jungtuko pvz. Tom said &bdqu

Rercenzija „Dynamite in Europe“

1. “Dynamite in Europe” is a documentary book. It contains fragments from the life of evangelist James Stewart who lived in the middle of XX century. We can divide the book into two parts: the first tell us about James’ difficult childhood and adoles-cence, the second – about his life, as devoted servant of God.

2. The main characters are James Stewart, his wife R



The book “Troubled heritage” is a fascinating, thrilling romance, written by the talented author Jeanne Wilson. The book tells the story of love, adventure, and wild passions amongst the members of three Jamaican families.

The plot of “Troubled heritage” focuses on the social problems, such as caste, privileg

Right or Wrong?

A couple years ago I knew this girl, and at that time she was only seventeen and her boyfriend was same age as she. That girl was a good friend of mine. They were a normal teenage couple and they were dating for a while. She was a good student and a good friend, until one day. Of course, things never run the way we would expect them to run. I remember that day when she called me and told tthis

Roast bits of the chicken


1 tablespoon olive oil

1 onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 bay leaf

5 tomatoes

2 teaspoons curry powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 chicken

1 lemon


· First you must chop an onion, wash the tomatoes and cut off the tops.

· Then remove the skin and bones from chicken and cut the chicken into pieces.


Robert Barclay Allardice


Robert Barclay Allardice, who was universally known as Captain Barclay, was born in August 1777 at Ury House just outside Stonehaven in Scotland. Barclay was one of the strongest men of his time, which seems to have been a family trait. His family were famous for their muscular prowess and pastimes such as wrestling bulls, carrying sacks of flour in their teeth

role of money

The Role of Money in Our Life THE ARCHITECTURE OF PROSPERITY by Lenedra J. Carroll Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way that it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do, in order to have what you want. &mdash

Roller in Red List

The Roller

This species is rare. The roller, although smaller than a crow, looks like one. It is blueish-green. The feathers of the back and wings are brown. The beak is black, strong with a hooked beackcase.

They live in mature and aging forests, farmstead with old tree groups, in the parks, sometimes in the green areas of the suburbs, even in the trees near the roads where they c



There are an Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan and Aztec signs. But runes are one of the most secret and powerful symbols, according to the ancient Teutonic mythology, runes are not human invention. Scientist can not explain this till now.

Runes are the ancient German writing signs. Their energy is associative with Cosmos and Natures powers. The word “rune” is came from

Salsa Music

Salsa means sauce in Spanish. Sauce would be the best description for this kind of music. It is full of ingredients that are blended in into one mix and served to the audience as the final product for judgment. Salsa music has been around for quite awhile, according to online encyclopedia “wikipedia”: “Salsa’s roots can be traced back to the African ancestors that were b

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the son of a country vicar in Devonshire. He was given the classical schooling at public school and ancient university. When he was 25 yers old, he was one of the most educated men of his days. At Cambridge he became a supporter of French Revolution and democratic ideas. But he was deceived by this revolution. So he became attached to Romanticism.

He spent a l

Saules sitema

The solar system

The Sun: The sun is the largest object of the solar system. It contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system(Jupiter contains most of the rest).The sun has nine planets around it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Mercury: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the eighth largest. In Roman mythology is t

School education

School education:

General secondary education is provided at triple level, twelve-year general education schools. One or more levels, i.e. primary: forms 1-4 (age 6/7 to 10/11); lower secondary: forms 5-10 (age 10/11 to 16/17); and secondary: forms 11-12 (age 16/17 to 18/19) can form an independent establishment. The Ministry of Education and Science regulates the length of the academic y

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