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Tai didžiausia Lietuvoje nemokamų pratybų atsakymų svetainė. Moksleivis užsukęs čia, negali aklai nusirašyti, atvykęs čia jis turi tiesiog pasitikrinti jau atliktus namų darbus!

Pratybu atsakymai

Rūšiavimas pagal dalykus

Straipsnių hierarchija

Straipsniai: Anglų kalba

In olden days upon a moment, in a street-light far, without a doubt away, there was a provinces where it was each raining, raining and raining

Here she slept at cimmerian dark, but during the age she amused herself on a comestible, where the woman had placed a plateful of water. Rounded this serving were wreaths of flowers with their stems in the bottled water, and upon it floated a brawny tulip-leaf, which served Minuscule as a panacea with a view a boat. Here the vest-pocket maiden sat and rowed herself from side to side, with two o


India and her nuances are as infinite as her concepts. It is a village,a meadow,a sleepy town left behind by the advances of time.She is also bustling metropolises,booming factories,lush fields.Hers is the blue summer sky,the gold drenched fields and snowy winter morns..hers too the factory whistle,the commuters rush hour and brisk trading in super markets.

Keeping up with advanced tech

indijos ir kinijos kultūrų palyginimas


Italai yra žavūs, protingi žmonės, kurių kultūrai Europa daug skolinga. Jie lengvai bendrauja ir puikiai suderina dvi savybes – gilią nuovoką ir nepaprastą lankstumą. Neišsenkantis jų gyvumas, šnekumas ir įtaigumas dažnai nepatinka santūriems britams, dalykiškiems vokiečiams ir t

individual talk about sleeping

For optimal waiking functioning obtaining the proper amount of good quality sleep is important.The purpose of sleep is to allow the brain to have a rest. When we are sleeping we also are dreaming. We all dream, some of us remember our dreams and others are not able to remember them, but nonetheless we all dream. There are five stages of sleep: light, deep, deeper, restorative and REM (rapid eye

Informacinių technologijų panaudojimas anglų kalbos pamokose

Šiame pranešime norėčiau pakalbėti apie kompiuterinių technologijų ir

komunikacijų svarbą ir pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir įdėjomis

Diegiant informacines technologijas mokykloje, pagrindine jų dalimi turi tapti informacinių technologijų naudojimas ne tik anglų kalbos, bet ir įvairių dalyk%

Informal letter

Juros str. 5 – 23

Klaipėda 5800

10 November 2003

Dear Tom

Thank you ever so much for your unforgettable birthday party. I’m writing this letter because I didn’t have a chance to thank you for the party.

The party was great. I really liked it. I’m glad that there were a lot of interesting people. Also I think it was a good idea to have a

Informal letter – refusing an invitation

Teatro str. 6 – 16

Klaipėda 5800

10 November 2003

Dear Tom

I have received your letter and am writing at once because I couldn’t come to your party. This Friday I’m going to visit my cousin who lives in Vilnius. I’ll be there till Tuesday so I can’t come to your party this weekend. However I’m inviting you to visit me next Friday

Intelligence and the Challenge of Terrorism in the 21st Century

Intelligence and the Challenge of Terrorism in the 21st Century


Only lately has terrorism been recognized as a strategic threat to the internal stability–and even survival–of countries. Terrorism is now seen as a threat to the security of the whole international community, including the United States, the only remaining super-power in the global arena. The U

Interesting Personality

Interesting Personality

William Blake

William Blake, English poet, painter and printer, was born on November 28, 1757.

You may have read his poems – about the lamb, the tiger, or his sad song about the poor chimney sweep.

The strange thing is that in his own time many people thought him mad. Almost a century passed after his death in 1827 before he began to be r



One of the main differences of the Internet from all rest, that is connected to computers, is that for successful work with it(him), generally speaking, it is not necessary of any books. Internet can serve both directory, and tutorial, and encyclopedia itself. However on the initial stage, as it seems, the advantage(benefit) of the book, distinctly and is accessible of a sta

Interview time


This summer millions of pupils will soon be breaking up from school for the last time and heading off to pastures new. Whatever the next step is ( whether it is college, university or a full – time job ) the chances are that it will involve an interview of some kind.

Preparing. Your school can often help you prepare by giving you a mock interview. This is a usef



“Intimacy” was the film that became famous and infamous for its graphic sex scenes. Patrice Chereau’s “Bohemian world” forced the sex to make sense and used it as the way to tell story. Cold, unerotic, uncomfortable viewing, shaky and unfocused film was challenging. People saw – what lovers saw but they couldn’t enjoy it. While the au


In ancient times the land area now known as modern Iraq was almost equivalent to Mesapotamia, the land between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates (in Arabic, the Dijla and Furat, respectively), the Mesopotamian plain was called the Fertile Crescent. This region is known as the Cradle of Civilization; was the birthplace of the varied civilizations that moved us from prehistory to history. An ad



Ireland (Irish Éire), country in northwestern Europe occupying most of the

island of Ireland, the second largest of the British Isles. The Republic of

Ireland lies to the west of Great Britain, the largest island in the

archipelago. It is separated from Great Britain to the east by the North

Channel and the Irish Sea, and

Irregular verbs

Arise arose arisen atsrirasti

Awake awoke awoke, awaked pabusti

Be was, were been būti

Bear bore borne, born nešti; gimdyti

Beat beat beaten mušti

Become became become tapti; pasidaryti

Begin began begun pradėti

Behold beheld beheld išvysti; pastebėti

Bend bent bent lenktis; palenkti

Bet bet, bet

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