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Tai didžiausia Lietuvoje nemokamų pratybų atsakymų svetainė. Moksleivis užsukęs čia, negali aklai nusirašyti, atvykęs čia jis turi tiesiog pasitikrinti jau atliktus namų darbus!

Pratybu atsakymai

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Straipsnių hierarchija

Straipsniai: Anglų kalba

David Pollard, A Sourcebook on French Law.

David Pollard, A Sourcebook on French Law. Cavendish Publishing Ltd. 1996


The third essential condition for the validity of a contract relates to a concept, which has no direct counterpart in English law, namely, l’objet. The Code civil provides that ‘tout contrat a pour objet une chose qu‘une partie s‘oblige a donner, ou qu‘une parties s&rsquo

Defoe romano Moll Flanders analize

Preface: Summary

Defoe hopes that Moll Flanders will be taken for what he says it is, a true history, despite the fact of its heroine’s real name being concealed and the multitude of novels being published at the time.

He explains that he has altered Moll Flanders’ style to make it more polite and modest, as befitting her supposedly reformed character. Originally its la


The term déją vu is French and means, literally, „already seen.“ Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn’t be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are traveling to England for the first time. You are touring a cathedral, and suddenly it seems as if you have been in that very spot befor

Delivery of speech


It is known that public speaking is a transaction between you and your audience. Just as the language you choose for your message should reflect the nature of your audience, so too should your delivery. Specifically, we discuss choosing an appropriate method of delivery, adapting to diverse audiences, and adapting delivery to the speech occasion.


Democracy in Lithuania

1. What do you think of EU?

2. What is your democracy education like in your school?

3. How old do you have to be to vote?

4. Do a man and a woman make the same money for doing the same job?

A bit of information about democracy in Lithuania:

Classical liberals believe that liberty is man’s highest political end, and that religious faith, a free-market economy

describing people

The person I want to talk about is a girl waiting for a bus. The first think you notice about her is her nice smile and her white teeth. I suppose she is out-going and independent people, who loves parties and doing her own thing.

I guest she is about eighteen years old, because she is wearing street- style clothes and has done up her a little bit wavy blond hair in two plaits. She has go

Describing people (A Close Friend)

Describing people

A descriptive essay about a person should consist of:

a) an Introduction in which you give general information about the person, saying when, where and how you first met them;

b) a Main Body in which you describe their physical appearance, personal qualities and hobbies/interest. You start a new paragraph for each topic;

c) a Conclusion in which you wri

Descriptive essay about animal


The Cheetah is the world‘s fastest mammal. It can run about 96 kolometres per hour . These cats are quite nimble at high speed and can make quick and sudden turns in parsuit of prey . Most Cheetah are found in eastern and southwestern Africa .

Cheetah average life span in wild is about 10 to 12 years. Total size 1-1.4 metres, tail about 65-80 cm . Weight from 35 to 65


-Well, Sima, would you mind to share your opinion about traveling holidays?

-Yes, of course. Where do you suggest spending holidays?

-I assume that the best holidays will be by the see.

-In my opinion, we should travel to Egypt. Don’t you think so?

-But there is sand everywhere in Egypt, the atmosphere is too hot.

-But there are ancient pyramids. My biggest d

diference between women and men

Our planet is very big and there are many people in it. XXII century’s people do not live in caves or in the clear air. Almost all of them have home. Some of them live in a house and some in a flat. What are the reasons of their choices?

Living in a flat and living in a house has its pluses and minuses. Our family lives in a flat. Its pluses are that you can find many friends; we h

Differences Between British and American English

There are two noticeable differences between British and American English. The first difference is grammar. Primarily, the present perfect is used differently. In British English it expresses an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. For example, I have lost my key. But in American English it is said, I lost my key. Also other differences involving

Different ways of travelling

We all know travelling gives us lots of joy, experience and adventures. Everyone likes to travel, but everybody does it in different ways. It depends on many things such as money, time, health and other things. Mainly travels are of long and short distance.

Well, the most popular ways to travel abroad are by plains, trains, ships and buses. The most comfortable and quickest way to travel


sip – drink in small mouthfuls

admit – confess, acknowledge

speed – rate at which something moves or acts

celebrate – a happy event, perform

obviously – easy to see or understand

tunnel – underground passage

gorgeous -strikingly beautiful or attractive

gates – movable barrier usually hinged , in a wall or fence<

Digital camera

It’s easy to understand the booming business that digital camera manufacturers are doing these days. The host of easy-to-use personal and business publishing applications, the dramatic expansion of the Web and its insatiable appetite for visual images, and the proliferation of inexpensive printers capable of photo-realistic output make a digital camera an enticing add-on. Those factors,

Digital photography

Digital photography

Digital – this is one of the most popular word used when we talk about new technologies and computers. Everything nowadays is digital. but what exactly this means? Let’s look closer at the definition for it.

Digital, related to digits or the way they are represented. In computing, digital is virtually synonymous with binary because the computers fam

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